Skhoder or Shkodra is one of Albania's oldest cities, an important economic and cultural center with around 90,000 inhabitants. Skodra lies in the north-wester part of Albania, on southern part of the plain of Mbishkodra, next to the Shkodra Lake, between the confluence of Drim, Kiri and Bojana - Buna Rivers, the mountain of Tarabosh, and the Rozafa Castle. Shkodra now has 50,000 inhabitants and is a booming trade town, with six foreign consulates, a chamber of commerce and a bazaar with 2500 shops and 80 professions. The city of Skodra retains its characteristic appearance, with narrow streets with tall stone walls on both sides, and tall gates. The main street is characterized by two-storey houses, the facade often in gentle colours, with the second floor often lovely ornamented (and different to the first floor). A large part of it has been transformed after World War II, with straight wide streets and tall residential and public buildings. The city expanded with several new quarters, and the industrial zone was built north of the city. Some of the cultural monuments of Shkodra are the Castle of Shkodra (Rozafa), the Turkish Bath (hamam), Mesi Bridge, the Mosque of Plumbi, and many old houses with an appearance characteristic to Shkodra.